The Awful Rosaria Of The New Day's Immortal Reveal Poem by Robert Rorabeck

The Awful Rosaria Of The New Day's Immortal Reveal

There is nothing left to handle.
People either believe in me or they don’t,
But I wish they’d all stop looking at me in
That old familiar way,
Because its all now almost over,
When I was just beginning to get a handle on
It: Learning how to paint my own mandelas,
Learning how to put independent colors to each
Letter of the alphabet:
Now I have nothing new for them.
Now I am hung-over and out of business and
Sleeping on the concrete besides the insouciant traffic.
I’d almost stopped mooching off my parents.
I’d almost bought a gun,
Or become a multi-scarred god the way the universe spins.
Now, an agent asks for ten pages of my two weekend
Manuscript; but when I look at myself in the mirror
I know it will not do, and she has already turned
Away from me and disavowed her womanly vestiges
Beneath the spread arms of the cross.
She became a bird or something, but f*ck
If she didn’t look good going the way I knew she’d
Always have to go in the end:
Like a beautiful heron or something, a goddess,
And me the drooling idiot looking up into the awful
Rosaria of the new day’s immortal reveal.

Robert Rorabeck

Robert Rorabeck

Berrien Springs
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