The Blind Boy Poem by Oladimeji Hakeem Olayinka

The Blind Boy

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Oh mother! What's that voidness termed as sky?
So boundless a thing, that i must enjoy.
How does sunshine looks on thy face?
Oh, am just a poorblind boy.

You talk about beautiful things you gaze upon,
You talk about splendour of stars that bright,
Me, your son just cant see,
Mother! I only smell and feel.

Oh mother! Please bring me some solace,
The earth we lived in,
Will it be dull for eternity?
How does rays lighten every nook and cranny?

I Am just too beaten by the monotony i go by,
Fed up of these thick veils that dont let me see how these birds fly.
Mother! I walk with fear, i may tremble on these stones,
A road short or long, dimensions are not for blinds.

Oh Mother! What good a life is, without sparkles and colorful glee?
I create my days, i create my nights,
And could i ever keep up this fight?
With me, there is just pitch black sceneries.
Why my life has been such a sabotage?

Oh my mother! Am just walking as if an evil is watching me,
One wrong step, and am drowning in misery.
These hills they talk about,
And valleys they sing,
Are just so alien to me,
Why my life is laden with austerity?

My crutches be my torch bearer,
I stumble and fall, while my friends they run and laugh nothing befall on them, for they claim every new moment of their life.

Oh lord! Its me! Its me!
Is this how i will blink in misery?
Mother! What sins i commit to thy lord?
The way i live, just brings pain to my heart,
In every moment of thinking.

Mother! Is your world too minute to include me?
Please embrace me,
Nobody can favor me expect you my mother,
Dont cry because of your blind boy,
Thy lord that gives sight to seers,
Will look after you mother.

Friday, May 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life,life and death
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