The Divine Souls.. Poem by Vidya Mallar

The Divine Souls..

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That God sent us to spread his love eternal on earth,
Each of us destined to it right from our birth,
In every creation God resides, within the core of our spiritual heart,
God's creations are varied, each a master piece of worldly art.

God made us reside, each, in a flower beautiful in his garden of love,
He taught us peace of life, where heart represents a symbolic dove,
He gave us duties to be performed, to achieve our aims and goals,
Everyone, within a short time on earth, playing their ephemeral roles.

God taught us to be true in thoughts, words and deeds
To bear fruits of relations, sincere, from value seeds,
He made us dwell in group, in harmony, understanding and unity,
Without harming nature, practicing sympathy, empathy and amity.

God made us carefully like this, but we made nothing out of it,
The lamp of our heart, we always neglect to be lit,
The light within us we never spread it outside and around,
All forget their true essence, by worldly desires bound.

God is but never disappointed with man on his earthly patch,
Each child born brooks this veracity of its divine dispatch,
He but never lets us free to be attached forever to the worldly ties,
All our desires end the day, when the physical form dies.

But the soul, the spiritual form is ever mortal and divine,
It's an idol consecrated in the lethal physical shrine,
Once liberated from the final cinders of the cadaver,
Nestles in a physique, once again, surrendering to the divine power

Being more spiritual which is needed for the time.. The need to know the real power of divinity..
Sylvia Frances Chan 08 October 2021

I have enjoyed immensely reading this gorgeous loveliest poem.5 Sras full and to My Favourites. Thank YOU!

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