The Dna Poem by Randy McClave

The Dna

Covid vaccines will change our DNA
Many people scream and shout and post and say,
They write that we should not ever put vaccines inside our body
As they will make us feel ill and terrible and shoddy.
They say scientists don't know what they're talking about
Pretty soon lizard tails we will all sprout,
Then they say that we are used as laboratory mice
Soon inside our blood streams they'll place a tracking device.
Who knows, but soon we will all be sprouting wings
Or maybe even other strange and different and unnatural things,
And for that reason alone we all should refuse vaccines
Because in the end they are all altering our genes.
I think about those people who think and believe and cry
That because of vaccines in our body we will all mutate or die,
I wonder if in their life they ever went to the hospital at all
Or if they were in the military when their pride did call.
I wonder if they ever think or reason with their brain
Since they were born in a hospital a vaccine ran in their vein,
And if they were in the military they got more injections
As they traveled to different states, countries and nations.
I wonder if they also worry about our own Mother Earth
About the chemicals and the trash that's placed in her since before their birth,
Do they worry about the trash and fumes they put in her and themselves everyday
I wonder if those same people worry about Mother Earth's DNA.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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