The Edifice On Ice Poem by Nwagboso Kosisochukwu

The Edifice On Ice

Amidst mountains and hills
Amidst Niger and Benue
At the threshold of crude and coal
Stands an edifice on the ice

The earth has agreed to sit at a place
In its corners. The flowers have remained ever green
The wind never has grown so wild nay mad
So has the One favoured it

Slessor and Lugard dug its foundation
Flora Shaw named it
Such an edifice they built on ice
In a high temperate zone

A centurion edifice
Cooled together in the presence
Of a gentle Atlantic breeze to gather its ice
Thus a habitat of multi million rational beings

Far be it if it were on dust built
For the gentle breeze will get it not spared
It’s founded on ice
And its roof iced unable to rise

Lo! If the sun chooses to relax
A natural disaster none calls it
Its cut into the base of the edifice
A million national disaster awakens so fast

Really on ice lies the edifice
Its particles get fused in the sun’s absence
Will there be flood in its resonance
If the sun opens its eyes to register its presence

Really an icy edifice on the temperate zone
The earth has no cause to move
But with great torrent has the foundation shaken
For never will there be no sunshine

Pull apart its members – a centenary query
For how long tolerance a great fury
For the four points of the compass
Can meet in no point

It’s not really icing
Its lights had been cooled away
Its foundation is melting to sway
For in temperate zone, inevitable is the sun’s shinning.

It's all about Nigeria and her 1914 amalgamation in-line with her present restless condition in view of her centenary celebration
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