The End Poem by Jesse Overton

The End

I'm at the end of my road
Looking down the edge
It's a very long fall
I desperately try to run back
The earth starts to crumble beneath my feet
My life starts to flash before my very eyes
I scream for help, but I hear no reply
As I began to fall the ground opens into a pit of flames
Oh no not me I exclaim
I've went to church and gave out cash
I even helped that old woman across the street
How could this happen to me
I look up at the sky
A ray of light bursts through the clouds
I heard a voice say
'Depart from me I never knew you.'
How can that be?
'You never accepted my Son.'
I did all these things in Your name.
'You did it for show.'
I thought You loved me?
'I always have and always will, but it was your choice to enter hell.'.......
Streams fell down my face as I got closer to the pit
I looked up again and saw Jesus
He was crying with a face full of sorrow
There was nothing he could do
My fate was sealed

What if this was you.....?
You can skip this and here's how......
Romans 3: 23
Romans 6: 23

A: Accept
B: Believe
C: Confess

Thanks for reading.

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