The Fall Of America Poem by Jesse Milligan

The Fall Of America

The sound of planes thundered above. Mortars rained down a hail storm of Shock and Awe. The final march of America has began.

Planes fell from the sky like Flaming Demons of the Great Void. Fellow soldiers screaming ungoldly sounds from their lips as they fell before the blizzard of bullets.

Women and children cowered in the shadows of ruined buildings, soon to be found by the enemy. Every hour another group of them were found and slain without mercy. The blood thristy soldiers of the red army cared not for the safety of people not of their own country or alliance. The cold blood of the innocents spilled upon the soil of the free, which was soon to be free no more.

Above the hilltops of the blood lustful Russian's Headquaters hung the stiffing, cold corpse of our beloved President. Hanged by his throat on the American flag of the United States, a taunt to those of american blood who still yet lived. A sign that America had fallen to the will of their foes, they're fate was no longer their own.

'The land of the free has fallen..', A young soldier whispered softly to his fellow squad members. And that was the final sound that came from the man's lips that would ever been heard for years to come. The Germans had found their make-shift shelter, a barrage of bullets stormed into their den...And the final thing those souls had seen was a flash of red..and then nothing but a enternal blackness..

More and more blood shred befall the great home land of the free. Buildings and shelters were raided, the soldiers, women, and children who were huddled inside were slaughtered, their food and ammunition taken by their murderers. And finally, the shelter they'd stayed in burned to a pile of black sooted ash.

The United States of America. The great land of the free. Stood alone in its greastest time of need. Every country in the world turned against them. Old foes come back for their revenge. All of them in a great alliance, whos one, single purpose of creation; Was to see the United States of America..burn to the very roots of Mother Earth as nothing more then blackened soot and ash.

World War 3, was simply a murder. A murder of a country. And a murder of its people. This, is the fall of America. This is the final March of Freedom. And God help us all, for we shall lose. And we shall never see the lovely light of day again. America has fallen. And Hell has risen.

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