The Five Forces Of The Universe Poem by Paul Hartal

The Five Forces Of The Universe

Gravity attracts all mass-possessing bodies
towards each other. Scientists consider this
as one of the four fundamental forces of nature.
And they say that Electromagnetism,
the interaction between electrically charged
particles, is another fundamental force.
Beside these, they inform us, there is the force
called Strong Interaction, which holds the nuclei
of atoms together. The fourth item on their
list is the Weak Force that induces radioactive
decay and neutrino interaction.

For my part, this inventory appears quite
unsatisfactory because the greatest force
in nature, Love, is missing from the list.
Mind you, in my view, the most significant and
magnificent sources of energy in the whole world
are amour, amity, kindness and compassion.

Also, contrary to the credos of mainstream
science, I believe that the universe is not an inert
and indifferent place, but a creative, caring entity,
a living and loving organism, endowed with
consciousness. We live in an animate, dynamic
and participatory cosmos, constantly evolving,
forever changing and becoming.

Our bodies are made of star dust and we are
interconnected with remote galaxies in the
universe. Life and love are inexorably interwoven:
Life exists because of love, and love exists
because of life.

The universe is the expanded exterior
of the Self, the outer extent of our inner sphere.
Its creations are poems of flame and desire,
dancing to the tunes of the music of the spheres.
Our genes, scientific research shows, carry genetic
information by DNA or RNA molecules, which
correspond to beautiful musical compositions.
When the chain-like molecules of these nucleic
acids are deciphered and transcribed into
musical notes, they can be played on the violin
or other instruments. They give rise to charming
sounds, soaring in lofty harmonies, taking wing
in sublime melodies.

In the Cosmic Palace of Amor, Agape and Caritas,
from the luminous fountains of eternal love flow
majestic currents of passion and adoration,
blissful streams of care, compassion and grace.

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