The Game Of A Life Time Poem by Bethany Maxwell

The Game Of A Life Time

You walk through the battle
Watching for the people for a kill
You sit high in the saddle
You are here still

You walk bast the tank and to the rest stop
You watch them move around you and you raise your gun
Two guys at the side, one on top,
You aim you gun, and the battle has begun.

You slowly moe to your right watching all sides,
Yet someone sees you and trys to hit you,
You turn around and just barley out of the way you slide.
As you lay in wait you ponder what to do.

They people come closer and one comes from the rear,
They hold their gun to your head as you turn over
You look in their eyes as the shoot you, to the end you are near
You lay there dying and it all goes black for you it is game over

You through the remote across the room and yell,
'I keep dieing! ! why can't I live through that part? '
And then your nose fills with the dinners smell
For tomorrow again over you will start.

At level one.

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Bethany Maxwell

Bethany Maxwell

some where in this universe muhahaha
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