The Geeky Love Ballad Poem by Cordell Brown

The Geeky Love Ballad

This is what comforts me in romantics and inflates my pride,
That every time I think of you it's when I watch 'The Princess Bride.'
I can write a song about you or simply keep it brief,
But it brings me comfort to play Halo and forever know you're my Master Chief.
I know even if I am a plumber and the coins are out of my reach,
I can trust my extra lives with my one and only Princess Peach.
We can have fun with nothing in the world to do,
You even find the enjoyment when you watch me solve my rubrics cube.
I spend my weekends staying in and playing World of Warcraft,
You won the bet when I couldn't lick my elbow and we just laughed.
You don't judge me when I say I'm busy preparing for the zombie apocalypse,
Because you already bought the survival guide and have written down tips.
I don't play sports or take the time to work out but you don't care ,
You remain in love with me and my Hello Kitty underwear.
You make me smile and my heart simply soars,
Especially when you make my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the shape of dinosaurs.
You don't get angry when I get the better prize in the cereal box,
You even love it when I set all my alarms to 11: 11 on all the clocks.
We stood in line for hours waiting to get the new comics at the store,
You even traded me a kiss for your Adventures of Spiderman issue number four.
You blush when I tell you 'I love you as much as Zelda loves Link, '
We will remember the moment on my car bed, you didn't even care the blankets were pink.

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