The Girl's Gift Poem by A Kal

The Girl's Gift

Rating: 5.0

There was once a girl who had the most beautiful voice a person could hear
When this girl was born, they knew she was special

They were right, she was special, a gift was given to her
She could sing like no other, no equal ever came close

She was so gifted; her parents changed her name to a more
Suitable name to suit her gift

They were assuming her voice would last forever
Their assumption was wrong, couldn’t be any worse

This child’s parents were very proud of their daughter
But the question is, was the child proud of her own voice

No, she wasn’t proud of her voice, she was furious
She resented her voice and even her new name

She eventually grew to resent her parents
And even her unnatural gift

Her singing became forced, no one could tell though
But she could, no one else

She stopped practicing, her parents willed her to practice
So she started practicing again, against her will

Eventually, she realized her parents loved her voice more than they loved her
She didn’t realize though that her voice is what keeps her family happy;
Without that voice; her family will soon fall apart

One day, she became mad at her parents
Who had forced her to sing for hours

And in her anger, she made a decision that still haunts her to this day
She would give up her voice; her parents would love her but not her voice
Or so she thought

So she began to pray and ask for someone to take her voice away from her so that her parents would
love her instead of her voice
Little did she know, her prayer was answered during the night after she fell asleep praying

The next day, her father came in and wished her a good morning, expecting a reply, he waited, he never
got one.
She tried to say it back, only to find out she couldn’t, her voice was gone

Her prayers were answered
Did she really want this prayer to be answered?

Her parents rushed her to he hospital, to try to save her voice
It was all in vain, her voice was gone forever

The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her
Everything was fine, according to the doctors

But everything wasn’t fine
Everything was going horribly wrong

What was certain before she lost her voice
Was shed into oblivion and replaced with uncertainty when she lost it

Everything went downhill from their
Even the smallest thing

It seemed that this child’s voice was more than just an ordinary voice
It kept her family from falling apart

Now it has been lost
And the family is already splitting apart

The parents got angrier
They started fighting

The dad started drinking
And began abusing his wife and eventually his own daughter

They both became scared and was planning on leaving
Before it got too late

It was already too late
By a mile

This continued on for weeks without any change
Until they were unrecognizable

Bruises, swollen eyes, broken wrists
You name it, they had it

And it was all because she lost her voice

They didn’t go anywhere
For fear people would ask questions

Blood was everywhere, they could barely see
They were both going to die

By a man who they once loved but now hate
Who was once a father but now a beast of rage

The daughter of the beast, began to pray once more
Hoping that whoever answered her prayer that gave up her voice, would answer this one as well

One last hit; one last kick
And they would surely be dead

The daughter of the beast began to scream her unheard scream
But this time, this scream was heard

They were all surprised she could scream which meant she could talk, which meant she could sing
The daughter of the beast realized this and began to sing one last time

Her song was full of sorrow, grief and death
She never finished her song; she was strangled by her father before she could

As the last note died of her last song
The beast that was once a man, became a man once more

He realized what he had done
But was already too late

The damage has already been done
And can’t be taken back

The man who was a beast that was originally a man
Couldn’t live with himself any longer and took a gun and pulled the trigger

The gun dropped carelessly to the floor
There was no one left to care

And so the man that was once a beast
The daughter of the beast, the wife of the beast
Ceased to exist

The daughter of the beast’s song can still be heard
Throughout the house

Other people can hear it
And everyone that hears it runs from fright with shivers down their spine

They are afraid, afraid what’s been done in the Past
Afraid of what they hear in her last song

The last song, the song that was never finished
Haunts whoever hears it

It was all because of her unnatural voice
How her parents loved her voice more than they loved her

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