The Goddess Poem by Thomas C. Hudson

The Goddess

There she was, a picture of awe-inspiring beauty.
Walking amongst the throngs of people that formed a sea of insignificant bodies around her.

Men stopped to stare, not stares of lust, desire or wanting, but stares of reverence.
An overpowering urge to bow in worship of the Goddess in their presence.

Women scoffed, the manifestation of envy and jealousy, had she not been surrounded by the force field of superiority, the looks of hate would have pierced her like the arrows from a hundred archers.

Where did she come from, why was she here?
What did I do to deserve the privilege to be in her world, to breathe her air and to share her sky?
Surely this must be a stunt, this could never be real, and surely this must be an angel on vacation.

How is it possible for any being to exude such radiance that mere words are deemed inadequate to describe.
I am in awe and shock even, I shudder with uncontrollable nervousness when our eyes meet, was that a smile I saw?
No it could not be, there is no force of nature, no heavenly or scientific explanation, why she would notice me.
Me, a mere mortal, an ordinary man, not a man worthy of her affection or kindness.

She is coming in my direction, she is close now!
What should I do should I attempt to say hello? Should I be brave and take her in my arms and kiss her, the kiss of my life, a kiss that would surpass all others?
I dare not; I would be brushed aside like the useless paper wrapper stuck to my shoe.
She passed me without a word spoken; she was so close to me, I feel weak now.

I inhaled her scent, a fragrance delicately wrapped in Lavender and caressed by the fresh morning dew.
Her skin was a coat of satin, carefully tailored to cover her flesh, her hair was full and flowing as the breeze tossed it revealing the contours of her perfectly formed neck.
In the blink of an eye she was gone, swallowed by the ocean of heads; I hated every one of them as they formed a barrier between my destiny and me. In the minute that I saw her, I loved her, she was mine and I was hers, she was the personification of every dream I had ever had, every fantasy that formed in my mind since the day I was born, but she is gone!

As quickly as she entered my life, she has left it.
But the world seems a better place now; I have a smile and a memory that will last forever.
Today I saw the most beautiful woman eyes have ever beheld,
she was on the street today, she was there, right there and she smiled at me.
Oh yes, my life has been truly blessed.
Today I saw a picture of overwhelming beauty.
The lady in the turquoise dress.

A poem taken from my book Shedding My Skin.
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