The Human Poem by Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

The Human

Rating: 5.0

The human creature
and its variants are quite a peculiar bunch wouldn't you agree?
They poetically speak of peace
and yet again fail to be more peaceful with one another.
"Ubuntu! ! ! "You'll hear them preach,
at the end of the day they show less Ubuntu to each other than a dog would to a rat.
They grant freedom,
and yet none are free.
They protest against drugs
and yet again they drug each other for revenue.
They speak against starvation
and yet again the powerful have enough fruits wasted daily to feed a family of three.
They speak of protecting the world which they inhabit,
and yet do quite the opposite.
They torture, maim, suffocate and murder without "HUMANITY",
and yet they stand to claim it? !

This creature; the human,
isn't a creature yet to learn,
but a creature yet to unlearn.
And even in the brightest of the day, they seek out the darkness.
They go on about their individual ways -as though they can survive as so -
All the while behind their prescribed cabinets they philosophize with "Unity".
They've tasted the sweet succulent nectar of Science - the jewel of knowledge.
Yet when the sun licks the horizon, they fold down to their primitive believes.
They sort, categorize, classify and name themselves according to places to which they are spawned.
By the simple nature of the color of their skin, their eyes, their hair, by the formation of their skeletal frame,
And by their polluted tribalistic cultures.
If that is not enough, they will one day sort themselves by food they eat.
O'… How rotten their pre-apocalypse is.

The Human
Chinedu Dike 17 September 2019

Brave utterances set aside for honest reflection. Really a poignant rendition written with clarity of thought and mind.

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Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

South Africa/ Johannesburg/ Krugersdorp/ Munsieville
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