Sukumar Ray Poems

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The Power Of Music

When summer comes, we hear the hums
Bhisma Lochan Sharma.
You catch his strain on hill and plain from Delhi
down to Burma

The Rule Of 21

In Shiva's homeland, the rules are quite strange, as I can truly attest,
If someone slips, and falls by err, police come by to arrest.

Uuncle's Invention

Chandidas's uncle has invented a device
Which is causing everyone to praise it to the skies.
When Uncle was a year old, or maybe even younger,
He came out with a lusty yell that sounded just like'Goonga.'

The Sons Of Ramgaroo

To the sons of Ramgaroo
Laughter is taboo
A funny tale will make them wail:
“We're not amused, boo - hoo!”

Baburam The Snake Charmer

Hullo, there Baburam – what have you got in there?


Was a duck, porcupine (to grammar I bow not)
Became Duckupine, but how I know not.
Stork tells turtle, "Indeed it's a delight-
Our Stortle shape is exactly right! "

The King Of Bombaria

In the land of Bombaria
The customs are peculiar.
The king, for instance, advocates
Gilded frames for chocolates.


Innocent pen, innocent ink [and Muse]
On an innocent page scribbles abuse--
“Monkey, stupid, queer and dud,
Donkey, silly, diffuse, absurd,”

The Suitable Groom

Heard your daughter's getting married,
From Posta, the news I carried.
Gangaram, the groom you chose,
I wish to describe, the quality he owes.

Old Tickler

Go East or West, go North or south, by land sea or air,
But before you go, make sure the old Tickler isn’t there.

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