The Path Behind The House Poem by Deanna Samuels

The Path Behind The House

What mysteries, what discoveries,
What delights does the path behind the house secrete
A new path and, at first appearance, just an ordinary path
Tucked below the ridge of back gardens of nice detached homes
Walkers, hikers and bikers use the once little known pathway
Which now gives delight to so many folk each day
But what mysteries, what discoveries transpire along the new formed path
Commencing from a well laid out landscaped pagoda parkette
The path, with yellow bright dividing line goes forth
Winding its way through wooded forest and natural wild growth
Sounds of a babbling brook run along its way
The banks either side crowded with wild flowers and reeds
Leafy trees and firs tall and haughty hover above
Saplings abound amongst the growing lilac and white bushy blossoms
Wooden benches along the way for those to rest their weary frame
Hosts of dogs out for a run, owners reassuring their canines are quite tame
Crawling insects and all manner of flying life abound the pathway track
Slithering grass snakes suddenly appear, wriggling across the path
Disappearing into the nearby undergrowth amid plentiful rocks and stones
Bringing into view the tell-tale developers black aproned-off acres
A new housing estate awaiting to be built, dozens of trees already felled
The tarred bright yellow lined path continues on, nature surrounding
Opens out when reaching a newly built already rusting iron foot bridge
Beneath which the narrow river runs, shallow enough for kids to paddle
Minnows are seen swimming in the water, rushing away from human touch
An easy decent to the river by a well-used earthy, weedy slope
Plenty of space to take a rest, sit on large rocks to enjoy the scene
The bouldered banks neatly tiered, greenery and wild flowers formed
Children climb them as an adventure playground without effort
Spending an hour or two with their moms and dads looking on
The forest and trail continue beyond the end of the yellow lined path
Beyond the rumbling rusty bridge, beyond the recently cut clearing
Dark, thick and eerie, the trail continues into the unknown
Perhaps another time to venture forth, explore new forest terrain
Who knows what further mysteries and delights are to be discovered

Written at Courtice, Ontario - 14th June 2020

Monday, June 15, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: path,river,trees
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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