The Reasons I Write Poem by Denis Martindale

The Reasons I Write

When English was the lesson spent
Within another class,
Through common grammar rules we went,
Another test to pass...
Yet sometimes poems were explored
That changed my point of view
And lessons there were not ignored
Among a chosen few...

When I left school, at home to stay,
A song began to form,
Which I could sing and I could play
And made my heart feel warm...
That was my song, that was my tune,
That was my talent shown,
Investing there that afternoon,
Found treasure yet unknown...

The reasons that I chose to write,
Forgotten I confess,
Yet God had granted some insight
To future happiness...
But would I strive, or persevere,
Or let that talent waste?
Esteem God's riches, hold them dear
And by them be embraced?

Years flew away till once again
I found myself at home,
With time to spare, so now and then,
My inner thoughts would roam...
And out of brainwaves that occur
To fashion flames and fire,
The kindled kindness chose to stir
And filled me with desire...

A poet learns to sit a spell
And mingle with the mind,
Where prophecies can thus foretell
And grant sight to the blind...
For words portray unpainted styles,
Unsculptured virgin clay,
To grant each reader tears or smiles,
To while away the day...

But more than musings in the sun,
Came poems day and night,
True love expressed as yarns were spun,
Some humour to delight...
Then God came forth, His calling came,
Salvation claimed my heart,
The day I learnt God knew my name,
New poetry to start...

That's why the hymns began within,
The common metre theme,
With thoughts of grace to conquer sin,
As God's love stood supreme...
When revelations were outpoured
Explaining truths divine,
Such that I preached of Christ the Lord,
Who saved this soul of mine...

My life has changed from what it was,
Renewed through Christ the King,
The Lamb of God upon His Cross,
For He means everything...
A thousand poems tell His tale,
So wondrous to behold,
In English, here's the Holy Grail...
The greatest story ever told...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2013.

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