The Rhythm Of The Ride Poem by Jim Yerman

The Rhythm Of The Ride

You know how when get into your car, before you even look around
You start it up, turn the radio on and make adjustments to the sound?

You know that feeling you get- how intense, how comforting, how strong
When you recognize over the airwaves the words to your favorite song?

You turn it up, you may sing along or just sit back and smile, wide-eyed.
Either way you savor the melody as you enjoy the rhythm of the ride.

I think finding love is a little bit like this- if you're lucky, before long
You find the person you're meant to be with- you find your favorite song.

And from that day forward your life is filled with balance and harmony
And not a day goes by that you don't give thanks for your serendipity.

Today is my anniversary and through the laughter and the tears
Deborah and I have now been married 26 amazing years.

Proof that, for some of us, if we're lucky, and our destiny is strong
Out there in this wonder we call life we will find our favorite song.

And once we realize we've found happiness how quickly we decide
To sit back, savor the melody and enjoy the rhythm of the ride.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Colleen Courtney 18 June 2014

Awww...this is so wonderful! (I'm a big fan of car singing! Much to my daughter's dismay! Lol.) Happy Anniversary to you and Deborah and may you have another 26 years of enjoyable rides! Sing Loud! ! ! ! !

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