The Rush Is On! Poem by Clarence Prince

The Rush Is On!

Rating: 5.0

Books are for reading
Reading helps believing
Rushing to get you reading
Families, friends and all others
Lend your own eyes and ears
To what this book is saying

For your joy, safety, and peace
You may need to go sailing
When others begin claiming
A copy or two for sharing
With families, friends, and others
The wonderful blessings within

Rushing to get you reading
It is written for soul soothing
It's here for fun and peace
Then get into the little rowboat
Look, it's on this cover showing
Read while the boat is sailing
The fun, the advice, and laughter
This alluring book has to offer

Finally I'll declare it's only here
To prove that I am really aware
That a book is truly for reading
Then this I prepared with care
In all formats for your reading
Whilst books are for reading
Reading helps believing.

All rights reserved.

The Rush Is On!
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
As my thought permits I write for all to read and to feel happy!
Kumarmani Mahakul 07 July 2016

Reading and writing improve skills and learning abilities to manage life. Reading books and reading poems both are nice qualities. Reading helps in believing self and Lord. Very interesting poem is shared really. Nicely penned.10

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Bri Edwards 08 July 2016

well, Clarence, i'm all for reading; writing is ok too! and a book is a good idea to spread your information and beliefs. on the cover: if it is a sailboat, the sail is down (as well as the mast, i believe) and the oars are out. i'd call it a rowboat, but you Canadians are funny people. ha ha! i'd also use adivices, not advises, for a noun. but, again, maybe you of the Queen's realm may spell it differently. advise is the verb here in the U.S. i'm not sure if the plural of the noun advice is ever advices or always advice, the same as the singular form. language is a tough subject to master...........! and even BRI is NOT a master of it! ! ! good luck with the book. i'll find another of your generously-offered poems for July's showcase. i will not put this one in unless you tell/ask me to put it is or with any changes. bri :)

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Susan Williams 10 September 2016

Ah, yes, repetition is a powerful tool! Parallelism adds atmosphere as well as emphasis. Now as far as books are concerned- - - - - buy 'em, borrow 'em, steal 'em but READ the dickens out of them! ! ! ! ! .

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V.m.saraswathy Munuswamy 05 August 2016

Exactly, a book is the real confidant, a treasure trove for the ardent lovers, precious drop thank you dear poet, sure to read the great work and review, thanks

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Kelly Kurt 02 August 2016

A wonderful piece by a talented writer. Thanks for sharing, Clarence

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Valsa George 13 July 2016

Congratulations Clarence on having authored a valuable book! !

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Bri Edwards 08 July 2016

oops! i just noticed right in the Poet's Notes. i know that is a slip up. but, at age 76, you are allowed one once in a while. :) :)

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