The Sign Of A Man Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

The Sign Of A Man

It has not yet,
Been declared official...
But evidence of a dumbdown era,
Seems to have begun to come to an end.

An ease made for people to make excuses,
With accusations to make to abuse others...
To successfully escape from accountability,
Has finally been defined...
As taking responsibility for one's actions.

Even those who had exposed their behinds,
By a wearing their pants below them...
Are finding in these awakening times,
Only 'children' are attracted...
To that kind of distraction.

Although in small doses,
Many aging girls once tolerating little boys...
Displaying with their temper tantrums,
How they can spread their seed to disease...
As if their bodies were 'toys' yet weapons to destroy,
Have found themselves no longer willing to be victims.

The sign of a man,
Has many comprehending to understand...
What it means to be one,
To indentify the difference between weakness and strength.
And it seems more women are becoming supportive,
With allowing themselves to stand 'with' and not against...
That which cements and not prevents,
A progressive quality of life wished and wanted to exist.

It has not yet,
Been declared official...
But evidence of a dumbdown era,
Seems to have begun to come to an end.
With more people acknowledging to accept,
Positions they have been born and blessed to get...
Has been already qualified by GOD to 'direct'.
And without,
Needing self-annointed assistants to correct this.

'If something you choose to do is your wish,
That's fine.
But don't expect 'me' to be accepting,
If your wish happens not to be mine.
I am not trying to re-define,
A gift I've been blessed to receive...
To appease what you believe,
I should reject for the purpose to re-interpret it.'

~E-X-cuse me! ~

'No problem.
I'm not offended by the evidence I've been given.
Nor will I be persuaded,
What is obvious to me is not proof.
My chariot is meant to ride.
Stay sweet and swing below.'

~...uh? ...~

'With a rocking until God stops it.'

Friday, April 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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