The Song Has Changed Poem by missy jay

The Song Has Changed

The door closes on my broken heart setting the harmony for my next song
The things I don’t understand are not the beat but why people cheat?
The beat is easy my mind wraps around it with the quickness of cheetah running after its pry over with in seconds. But cheating is something my head does not wrap around how can you cheat when you say you love me? How can you hear the beat that was my heart which has now broken not in a mellowed tune but into the silence in the empty nights?

Cutting is something I use to forget the pain, deeper the pain deeper the cut.
But no matter how deep I should cut the pain of being cheated on never numbs away. The song I wrote that started with love hope and joy has now gone to emptiness hate and hurt. I wish the beat would change to but only the lyrics seem to.

You say sweet things make me feel like I am the one you want. That nothing would come in the way of us like you said. I believed you. I know you knew I did maybe that’s why the beat is the same.
My heart is bleeding cant you see how bad I needed you. Needed as past tense because now all I need is to change the beat and move on from what has been hurt. Forget the lyrics. Turn them into old words with out meaning.

The lyrics have changed, the harmony has changed but the beat stays the same. Why I should never know? All I want is to be me again not this person whom is happy I wish I was back to being me that depressed person I used to be. Being depressed and alone was the two things stopping me from being hurt so much. Than you came after that my heart was yours. I started smiling everyday something I have not done since I was little, we became one and now I have needed you everyday since than but now I have been hurt to many times.

I lost a good friend over you. I let myself believe that you would change and stop hurting me in these ways. You didn’t change but the lyric to the song that plays in my heart has.

I wish I could understand why you cheated what went though you’re head is something I would like to understand so I can change me.
I want to be me again not this person that is in love. Love used to be just a four letter word until you walked into my life than it later turned into a four letter word with a meaning. That meaning was someone who said the right things, called me every night, called me when I needed a friend, which someone so always said good night and good morning. That someone the sweet messages any time in the day. That was you. But the beat will change it sing the same lyrics again.

The beat is something I hear. The harmony is the peace I feel. The lyrics are me. But the meaning to the writing of the lyrics which are the reason behind the beat and harmony. The music that plays in my head. Never goes away.

I am confused to what I said that made you go with her that Friday night. Was it me? Did the lyrics get to deep in the heart for you? Did the beat not feel right? Or maybe the harmony was to slow? Baby what was it that made you go?

If you didn’t know baby the lyrics are gone no more to be written. The beat broken down. Harmony gotten faster taking over the song in my heart is only a empty shallow beat with no heart to match the sounds it plays lyrics washed away.

The thing I don’t understand about myself is why I felt the way I did about you. When you clearly felt different. Why do you cheat? Why do you lie to me? The lyrics changed, the beat stand the same, the harmony changed to, or maybe its just me that has changed. Maybe just maybe.

Lyrics are different they sound more depressed and about death, the beat has stayed the same, the slow thing that sounds like chimes in the blowing of the wind they cool windy days. The harmony has changed nothing is about love or happiness its all about the emptiness you have made me feel.

Maybe the lyrics were never right maybe they are now the way there meant to be. Maybe there was not a thing of love with us maybe it was just a miss feeling I felt. Unable to know if it’s true.

Maybe I should never have felt like that for you.
I didn’t really know if you felt the same. I thought you did but I guess I was wrong. Like I was with a lot of things. I thought that I was yours and you were mine, but that was just words you said with no meaning behind them. I guess I must forgive and forget or I will lose you.

Is that what I want?
Is that what I need?
I think maybe it is. Maybe I just need a push to do so. I should have seen that you would only do that because it was the beat that you are dancing to. Were I was singing a different beat. With completely different lyrics and harmony. I should have listened to your song to know that you felt like that.

Why did you cheat?
Oh why was it her you get drunk with?
The lyrics of your song must match hers.
Cheating is something you do when you want out. Not when your say you love that person. Love is only a four letter word I will say to the next person that says they love me. Just a four letter word with out a meaning. Just emptiness that goes with the hurt.

The lyrics have changed the beat stays the same but the harmony is slowly changing into something unbearable to listen to. It just a heap of confusing sounds with a miner beat that matches it.

I truly thought you were different wow I was wrong you’re not the one you never will be in my heart unless the lyrics change back but not the beat because it’s not changing as much as I want it to its not.

Why do you lie? Even though I know you do I can’t help but be in love with you. Why do you cheat? Can’t you see how this hurts me?

Love is a four letter word with no lyrics, beat or harmony.

I have opened up with you. I let the walls I spent years building they came down, but all I got for letting you in was just hurt and tears, but the lyrics have changed, the beat stays the same but the harmony is different.

I listened to you when you needed someone to, I let you take out our anger on me, I let you hurt me, and I forgave you when you sent stuff to other girls. I even forgave you when you cheated to me. All because I love you and the lyrics have the same meaning. No matter what the beat is not changing like its saying that things will work out with us. Maybe it all will but what is the chance of it going wrong again? It’s half of the same that will go right am, I ready to be hurt again in the chance it will not happen and it will turn out right?

It lyrics have changed, the beat stays the same, the harmony has changed so what is the message, why is still saying something when it could really being saying nothing? I am so confused I don’t know what to do anymore? I want to leave you and just forget the hurt, but I cant because than I would be losing a part of me, I cant leave you because I love you, so what am I meant to do, cant someone tell me and that be the right answer to what am I suppose to do.

You always forget things like promises so what makes me stay? You forget the promises you make to me so than my heart aches but after you say you’re sorry and some of the pain goes away but the hurt is still in my head. So what am I going to do with this? It’s all new. You are new, the feeling is new, and so what am I going to do? How can I make the beat change along with the lyrics?

I don’t even know if that is what I want to do, maybe I want the beat to stay the way it is, but the lyrics to go back to the joy and love not the hurt and hate? Maybe that is really what I am trying to figure how to accept the love you give with the problems that came along with being in love. I am so confused to what I want, I wish someone else knew and I would just do what they tell me to do like when I was a kid.

So why do people cheat? Why do people lie? Why do people hide themselves from the world? Is it because we are so afraid of what other people say about us. We care so much about everyone else’s options on us we forget what really the main key to our lives maybe it is the happiness we are forgetting. So am I really happy with you or do I just think I am. Does my mind really know the truth and that my heart is lying. So the main question is why am I still putting up with the cheating, lying, crying and the hurt? Why have I not walked away and just said goodbye? Why

The beat is something I don’t need to be different to the lyrics I need them to be the same so I don’t fel this way. I don’t want to be confused anymore I just want it all to go away. Do than I know what I want, what I need. I should ever have let the lyrics get so deep and so close to the heart, than I would not be feeling this way with the hurt that is deeper than you know.

You have not seen the hurt you have impacted on my heart you have not seen the amount of tears I have cried due to the heart ach that is the fire of my heart. Burning up into the black dust going though the sky for everyone to have a sight of. So that I do not have to deal with it on my own because it is just too much to handle with out a shoulder to cry on.

Why can’t the lyrics have the same being to the beat? Why can’t the beat have to same tune to the harmony? Why is it all frustrating? I do not understand why can’t it be like in the movies? A fairytale that has come true for me. But never because that’s not what my life is like.

So why has the lyrics slowly gone back to the way it was before the cheating? Why can’t the lyrics do the thing I want them to do. Why do they act like they know what is best for me? The same to think it is to stay with him and work it out. But is that really what I want to do?

Why can’t the lyrics change into the same tune as the beat and harmony? Why does it have too been a different song that is still be written as the days do by and the nights say goodbye. The world has too many colours in the cold dark place that is earth so many tears have been cried in the mist of the lonely nights.

The thought of you and her makes me sick. The idea that you are untrue. The underlining of the story you tell me. Why do I stay? Why do you have this way on me? Can’t the lyrics be the same as the beat and harmony? Why does this have to be so confusing to me? It’s too hard to work out what I am meant to do in this situation.

What is the meaning behind the message? Is it something I need to decipher for myself or can someone work it out for me? I need to know what I am meant to do. I am afraid of what the answer is, mentally I am not ready to leave you my heart says not to. But my head is telling me otherwise, what am I do to?

Maybe you could help me answer the question that is hunting me? Why won’t the lyrics say the same that the beat and harmony are? Why is there too messages different that are both different? How can I work out what is right for me? Am I meant to see this? Am I meant to read it like a book? Are there any clues to what I am going to do?

You don’t see the love that I have for you. You only hear it as I do with you. So are you true and I true to the thing we call love. Is it really love or just a strong like. Have we past the line that shows the emotions or are we fear behind? What is the meaning thing behind the beat staying the same?

That am I going to learn in this encounter of emotions and problems we have faced, is this how it is always going to be with us? Are we just going to have mixed emotions? Is there ever going to be real ones? Or am I just kidding myself in thinking you feel how you say. If you do than why did you cheat?

What are the things that are deep within? I do not understand is this really love? If so why than do I have all the heartache that comes with it? The lyrics started as love, half way though the song it changed to sadness, now it is just numb so what now? Were do I go from here?

Do I change the beat, lyrics and harmony or do I let them stay the same as they are now or do I let them go back to the way they were before you cheated and lied to me. How does the sun rise every morning? How does the moon shine? What makes the world go round? Do you know the answers you these questions?
Why do I live? Why do I breathe? How do I keep getting hurt? Do you know the answers to these questions? So are any answers to my questions that are just black and white not colourful.

The lyrics what do they mean? I tried to move on, I tried to forget but I went back I don’t know why. It hurts inside the feelings I have usually hide but now there loud and clear this time but why? I will never know until the day you say what I need you to hear

The lyrics have started to change back to the love the beat has stayed the same as the harmony so I knew this time it will work. I maybe wrong I maybe right I may never know until I have tried until I have given it all I have to see if its meant to be,

If it is meant to be it will work. The lyrics have returned back to the same tune as the beat and harmony I guess that’s what love is, a heap of mixed feelings I love the feelings in show you say and speak to me in the muttered phone calls we have late on any night.

I just don’t know why you cheated and lied when you know it would hurt my feelings so why did you do it? Why is what I ask you?

Crystle Jones 17 June 2009

wow. thats deep. i think just about anyone can relate to that! me personally, all too well. must say that one is.... GREAT

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