The Sons Of Time Poem by Alex Fischer

The Sons Of Time

In the beginning after the Father of Time
Passed into a darkness the one of night
There from what he made
The six sons of time came to glade
The first was Prostethieus, the maker of sky
The second was Boratticus, the master of light
The third was Largiscious, the emperor of night
The fourth was Curizark, the leader of land
The fifth was Mirfeezra, the king of the sea
The sixth was Salpendü, the ruler of beings
This is not the story of how the world was made
But rather this is the story of how each one of these sons came to fall that day

[Ⅰ . Prostethieus: The Maker of Sky]

Flying high, flying high
Up in the vast blue sky
Sat up in a cloud was Prostethieus nigh
Looking o'er the earth and all of its girth
An intruder comes from the earth below
Setting Prostethieus' face all aglow
The heavens are engulfed in an unearthly roar
As all is set upon the lonely shore
Flying away some may escape
As the unearthly roar takes all in its wake
Prostethieus come and Prostethieus go
Fighting away the heavenly shoal
But not too far he gets
Before the unearthly roar
Who pick up and soar
Takes Prostethieus to a place so bore
The first son of time is gone
Now only five more

[Ⅱ . Boratticus: The Master of Light]

Burning bright, mighty light
Boratticus makes the sun so shine
As he thrives, oh as he thrives
Bathing in the sunlight bright
He sees not the blizzard come
As his world of flame turn into cold tun
A chilling breeze makes the flames freeze
The phoenix evolves into a snowy bird
As frosty wind makes flame disperse
Boratticus makes his lips purse
Trying to summon flame he curse
The chilling breeze that changes the game
Making Boratticus dwell in shame
As the frosty blizzard destroys all flame
The second son of time is gone
Now only four more

[Ⅲ . Largiscious: The Emperor of Night]

Living darkness, ebbing night
Fades into a Hell not contrite
Largiscious rules so darkly height
Moving swiftly into fright
Making dead mortals fear the sight
Of Largiscious the master of night
Yet a shining kith pierces the dark
Making demon sizzle and light the spark
Destroying the night
With burning light
Making Largiscious evade into fright
Being absorbed by the light
The third son of time is gone
Now only three more

[Ⅳ . Curizark: The Leader of Land]

Rolling hills, scaling mountains
Green pastures, living fountains
Curizark makes the landscapes
Even as the earth endures massive earthquakes
Ensnaring, flaring, the earthly roars
As the earthquakes reach the shores
A strange wall of darkness doth block
The massive quake that sent our mother into shock
Enthralling all the demons there
As the earth plummets into thin air
The fourth son if time is gone
Now only two more

[Ⅴ . Mirfeezra: The King of the Sea]

Raging crests, blowing west
Breaking 'pon thy eastern shore
Showing no more, oh no more
Of they beauty live galore
Mirfeezra shows the tidal wave
As it moves towards they gaze
Massive rock shoot up and lock
The tidal wave
Who is so brave
And with its so aquatic roar
The rock distills what water bore
Making Mirfeezra rule no more
What 'reth out yon the eastern shore
The fifth son of time is gone
Now only one more

[Ⅵ . Salpendü: The Ruler of Beings]

Adam and Eve
Drawn with leaf
In time that pass
The shadow overcast
As Salpendü restores the heavens
Making the land
With shaping hand
A creeping darkness take
And sin man make
Growing into a world filled with dark
Shunning the light man drift from him afar
Salpendü look towards the Northern Sky
Sighing as the world moves into a sigh
Salpendü falls his strength it doth diminished
Now the six sons of time are so finished
The sixth son of time is gone
Now no more go on
[Ⅶ . The End of the Six Sons]

With the six sons of time fallen
And the wavering breeze of death flies
Across the land of eternal sighs
The world falls into abyss
With out the sons of time to guide this
World that drifted into amiss
Nothing remains all life has succumbed to it
This eternal darkness that covers the land
That is controlled by some demonic unearthly hand

Alex Fischer

Alex Fischer

North Little Rock, Arkansas
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