The Stranger Poem by Denis Martindale

The Stranger

The Stranger comes to many souls,
Unbidden, in disguise,
He challenges their present roles,
The thoughts that they think wise...
He reasons with them one by one,
He shows them who God is,
He beckons them, God's only Son,
The Saviour they could miss...

The rich, the poor, the black, the white,
The children gone astray,
The fools no longer thinking right,
Those saying, 'Go away...'
He presses on, by faith, of course,
Appearing now and then,
Reminding them that God has laws
He made to help all men...

In time, the hardened hearts relent,
The Stranger helped them out,
He coaxed each sinner to repent,
Instilling faith not doubt...
For God the Father seeks the lost,
The broken and forlorn,
Reminding each must bear the cost,
Till pardoned and reborn...

Sometimes the scars of Christ are seen,
As if to prove God's Word,
That Christ alone stood in-between,
When Easter first occurred...
That's why Christ's cross upon a hill,
Still testifies above,
Lord Jesus chose to serve God's will,
So we could learn His love...

Not one the Stranger comes to see
Can earn salvation's gift,
For that was bought at Calvary,
Christ's Blood to cross the rift...
Now like a river flowing fast,
God's mercy overflows...
Blessed is each soul Christ saves at last,
Each soul the Stranger knows...

Denis Martindale, copyright March 2015.

The Gospel poem is based upon the stories seen
in films starring Jefferson Moore, as part of
the Parable films shown on UK Sky Gospel
TV channels. Each of the lifestories has its
own meaning worth watching and listening to.

Sunday, March 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: Jesus
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