The United Ummah Poem by Abdul-Qadir Abdul-Mumin

The United Ummah

Uniting the ummah is a sunnah,
Helping the weak in this dunya,
Seeing the reward in the hereafter,
Promoting the religion of Allaah,
Following the Prophet and his sunnah,
Preparing the future and paying attention,
Spreading love and joy and preventing commotion,
Fighting the struggles of generations,
Our little support and contributions,
Has a great impact on this generation,
We stand for peace,
The war should seize,
Putting down our differences,
Making chaos our weakness,
And holding tight our patience,
We are stronger together,
We will not surrender,
A brother for a brother,
A sister for a sister,
A mother for a mother,
And of course, a father for a father,
Together we will not fret,
Our decisions; we will not regret,
Our flaws; we will detect,
Our mistakes; we will correct,
Our history; we will never forget,
Remember the days of the great hunters and Vikings?
Remember the days of the mightiest kings?
Remember the days of men with great wisdom?
Remember the days of empire and kingdom?
I'm only trying to tell you that death is nothing random.
They are all gone and so will we
Do good and you will see
Do bad and you will see
The choice is yours to make
May we all be great

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