The Very Essence Of My Mind Poem by Dr Deborah A Bonner

The Very Essence Of My Mind

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The Very Essence Of My Mind

By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner
Oh mind Interchangeable with my heart
Oh mind how the wheels of exploration soar and reach out in creativity of art, creating things of air, land and sea.
Oh mind an ever turning wheel of learning, soaking up knowledge
getting your fill
Oh mind you are ever fine tuning, pruning and separating at will.
Oh finite mind God created you so excellently!
Man has not tapped into a fourth of the mind's treasures, for God
hath created our mind so unique.
Oh mind not aware of things subconsciously and unconsciously. Oh how great is our Lord who watches over us, when we are unaware!
Oh God how excellent is your mercy to all people. The mind regulates our moods, our desires, brings about recollection, memory, perceives, thinks, wills, feels and has the ability to reason.
Oh mind so interchangeable with my heart
You keep tabs on my disposition; you hold my opinion and keep my view. But, MIND, MIND, MIND
Oh mind, don't ever, ever, ever forget GOD made, frame, named, then he minute by minute, second by second, it is he alone that allows you man, woman, boys and girls to read, absorb the knowledge you are blessed to receive!
Oh Mind, I do lament tremendously in the fact that so many take the creation of you so lightly. For the mere thought of losing the very essence of you OH MIND is unthinkable. I then rejoice in the dawn of daylight when my eyes awake to recognize the sun, knowing that I can see, hear, feel, breathe, walk, talk, laugh, move, and comprehend all things that are happening around or inside my life.

The Very Essence Of My Mind
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life,thankfulness
At a point in my life I thought no one understood what I was going through, but we have been given a precious gift, our minds and truly the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I was letting negative words penetrate my mind and it was destroying me from within, but God has taught me how to turn negative into positive and all things are working for my good! My Pastor, the late Superintendent John E. Mitchell SR. told me always remember, 'You are not responsible for how someone treats you, but you are certainly responsible for how you treat others! Sincerely, Dr. Deborah A. Bonner
Jayatissa K. Liyanage 24 April 2016

It's wonderful scan through one's own mind. Mind is what all that matters for a soul and all qualities of a character are the reflections of that particular mind. Very much thought provoking and inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

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