The Village Poem by NEEHU PAT

The Village

a blast,
Blood was all over,
I was lying on the ground,
My heart was beating,
Couldn't feel my arm,
Leg was paining like hell,
People dead everywhere,
Felt i should have lived my life when i had a chance,
I wanna live i told myself
Am i alive...

A journalist job is crazy.
Especially when u are in a place,
where leading a normal life,
means your lucky if u are alive for the day.
I come across a village,
Most of the men worked for the military,

The first sight i see was...
Small children playing,
Innocent eyes,
Innocent face,
Not knowing anything, but being happy.
But these innocents too had dangers,
Children go missing daily in this village they say,
There was some kind of disease that was spreading through the village,
Many new born hardly survived due to this they say.
So it was like yes these innocent are lucky that they survived,
But maybe unlucky they survived,
As they would lead their life in this chaos,

I come across this group of ladies,
Some of them did not see their husbands for months,
Some of them for years,
Some of them were not sure if their husbands were alive,
Some lost their children,
I see these old people,
Who saw nothing but sorrow in their life,
We lost our kids, and grand kids
In front of our eyes
They say,
We are lucky if we eat one meal a day,
They say,
Water is scarce,
They say.

Everyone did loose something,
Everyone hardly had anything,
I couldn't see how people lived here?
But they still were strong,
They still had hope,
They still were happy,
One day we will have everything they say,
Maybe that day is tomorrow, or today
They say.

I was astonished,
Even though people lost their loved ones,
Even though they were not sure of what was about to happen the next minute,
People found happiness among this chaos,
People found life.
Felt ashamed of myself,
Even though i had a family,
Even though i was safe,
Even though i had everything,
I never was happy,
I never had a life.
I never was grateful,
The village thought me the value of life.
That its not the materialistic things which make u happy, but
Sharing your happiness with others,
Finding happiness at the most difficult times,
Ur family,
Ur friends,
Ur life,
That's happiness,
In the right way,

Suddenly i hear some sounds,
For the first time i saw people were scared,
I take a look back,
I see people with weapons, coming closer
Then i realized that, people with weapons, were nothing but the innocents,
Who were taken,
They were no longer innocents, they were terrorists,
Small children were holding onto their moms tightly...
People started running into their houses,
Run, run, they were telling me,
I hear the bullets sound,
People cries,
I suddenly see,
people dead,
Children dead,
Flames burning people,
Blood was all over,
I was running,
Still don't know where,
I see a lady trying to save her child,
Even at the end moment of her life,
Suddenly i feel something piercing into my arm,
It was a bullet,
Couldn't feel the pain,
Still running,
A bullet into my leg,
Still limping and running,
Something fell beside me,
It was a bomb

a blast,
Blood was all over,
I was lying on the ground,
My heart was beating,
Couldn't feel my arm,
Leg was paining like hell,
People dead everywhere,
Felt i should have lived my life when i had a chance,
I wanna live i told myself
Am i alive...
She was unlucky because she couldn't survive for the day.

Its fictional.Here i compare the village people to people who have struggled a lot and yet they are happy.All iwanna tell is be happy with what u have before its too late
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