The Wall Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

The Wall

Racism, bigotry, indifferences, division.
Disparities, inequalities.
And entitlements supporting ignorance to believe.
Now the Wall is being advocated.
To further isolate those fantasized,
By their own delusions to perceive...
Their greatness to have been achieved,
Had developed from a history...
They re-wrote to create.
With a white washing of the facts.
As reality continues to be subtracted.

The Wall.
An invention to prevent,
Truth that exists from being permitted.
By a using of those with minds shown flawed.
To benefit claims what their ancestors proclaim,
Is theirs alone to make known they own.

Nothing is mentioned,
Of the Chinese and Africans...
Who first navigated the seas.
And created the maps,
To allow European thieves...
An ability to land on shores.
With a claiming of discoveries.
And those descendents of Aztec Indians,
Mexican, Africans and Caucasians too...
Worked the fields to produce their own food.
To teach their skills to those who today refuse,
A truth to acknowledge.
Since this will certainly undo,
Any reason to believe it to perceive...
A greatness to promote as is,
Can sustain to maintain a slogan...
Make American Great 'Again'.
Will be an impossibility to achieve,
And from their ideas and ideals,
To 'Again' from them steal.
That kind of greatness may be imitated to destruct.
But its origins based in ingenuity,
Originality and innovation...
Can not be re-created...
By those without insight, vision or common sense.
Since those living within walls and fences,
Lack wisdom.
Or a higher consciousness.
That offends those of narcissistic mentalities.

Monday, January 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: commentary
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