This Is England! Poem by Russel Choudhury

This Is England!

This is England!
England, with it's crown and country, the city workers and the farmers poultry,
Big Ben and the Houses of Commons, and the last lands to be invaded by the Romans,
This is England!

England, with it's diversity and multiculturalism, and celebrated Channel 4 television,
Christians side by side with Muslims and Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists and also Hindus.
This is England!

England, with its nuns in their habits and some women in hijabs,
also women in short skirts out on the pull with the lads.
This is England!

England, with it's Churches and Mosques, Temples and Synagogues,
late night Clubs, and good old English Pubs
This is England!

England, with the Magna Carta and Habeas corpus,
and democracy ruling, the view of the people in focus.
This is England!

England, with the Abolition, it’s John Locke and William Wilberforce,
the land that put an end to Slavery, Amazing Grace was the cause.
This is England.

England, with the Flag raised up high by people of all colours and races to be seen.
This is England, God save us and God save the Queen.

Caroline Guedes 31 July 2008

Wow! I love this poem! I've been to England twice and I always love it! I wish we were all so proud to be living where we are. I did notice all the races and especially religions all coming together and it does make it a better country.

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