Thou Shall Not Kill Poem by Randy McClave

Thou Shall Not Kill

I don't and I won't ever carry a gun
Be it either for protection or just for fun,
I will not walk about frightened or scared
As though a war has been declared.
I will not look at anyone as my hated enemy
That is not any type of living for me,
I will not think that everyone is my foe
When it is my time to leave, only God does know.
I will not ever be prepared or conditioned to take a life
Over the dead or the dying I will not dance and play the fife,
I don't want to be the last person to say goodbye
Especially to someone that I had caused to die.
I will not ever carry a gun or a rifle of any sort
God is my protector, and he's in my court,
The Bible told me and everyone that, "thou shall not kill"
Whether for any reason or for any thrill.
I have the police for my protection which is good
And I have grocery stores for my meat and my food,
I don't want to be known for those that I have killed
I want to be remembered for those that I have helped in healed.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: bible,gun
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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