Three Is A Crowd Poem by john tiong chunghoo

Three Is A Crowd

if three is a crowd
then here is a crowd
a three-in-one setup
doing a sweet rap song

the mind is always busy
tiptoeing here, there
to the ends of universe

the physique busy making
that platform comfortable
fueling each and every
breath - sleeping or awake-
to keep me warm and happy

never stopping whispering
too is the creator - who has
always been there to to ensure
things dont go wrong
well, an after service when all has
been fixed - hands, legs,
hearts and mind - to make sure
things stay in one piece and
not flying into space

three is a crowd and
there is always cheers
in the number even in
the fray of existence

two is a company

when the curtain falls
and the body goes
it's time the only two left
sat up and did some accounts
a heart to heart talk
about the fare to the next,
and the fare to keep the physique
going all this while

there is a price to pay
for everything
heaven and hell there
to make all the difference

rewritten from

if three is a crowd
here is a crowd
the three-in-one miracle
doing a sweet rap song
the mind is always busy
tiptoeing here, there
to the ends of universe
the physique busy making
that platform of dreams
comfortable- sleeping or
awake- to keep me warm, and happy
the least we can last before
we bid each other farewell

whispering to me every minute too
is is the creator - the one
who is the cenre of the crowd
who has always been there
to to make sure things dont go wrong
- his after service when all has
been fixed - hands, legs,
hearts and mind - to make sure
things stay in one piece
and not flying into space

three is a crowd and
there is always cheers

two is a company
when the curtain falls
and the body goes
it's time the only two left
to sit up and talk about
what to do next, the fare
to keep one alive and the
fare to the next - there
is a price to pay for everything
heaven and hell there to make the difference

john tiong chunghoo

john tiong chunghoo

Sibu, Sarawak, Borneo East Malaysia
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