Margaret Kollmer Poems

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And Jesus Wept

'Lord, if You had been here, '
Mary Magdalen cried.
'Lord, if You had been here
Lazaraus would not have died.'

A Crabby Old Woman!

What do you see, kids, what do you see?
Are you thinking when you are looking at me...
A crabby old woman, not very wise
Uncertain of habit with faraway eyes.

Angel Of God.....

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God's love commits me here
Ever this day be at my side
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

Gauteng Limericks (A South African Province)

Steven Sondheim wrote the following verse but, as he said:

To find a rhyme for silver
Or any ‘rhymeless’ rhyme

Je T'Aime By Paul Eluard

I have used this poem for many years as an ongoing French lesson. Little by little I have learned to understand it and one day I hope to translate it thoroughly! It is so beautiful.

Je t’aime pour toutes les femmes que je n’ai pas connues

Came Winter Sadly

Exultantly last summer
you yodelled my name -
warm, warm was the sun.


Someday soon, MY little feet will leave my Mummy's tum
And someday soon, I will see: my tiny little bum.
In baby-grows, my little feet, just as Mummy knows
Will be warm in a cosy, cuddly place for wiggling brand-new toes.

Foreign Phrases Made Better

Originally, started by a New York magazine, here’s some fun with well known foreign words and phrases. By changing just a single letter you arrive at a totally different, and amusing, definition of a new phrase.

Non compos mantis (Daft insect)
Harlez-vous Francais? – Can you drive a French motorcycle?

Limericks Of South African Towns And Place Names

To start with:

A limerick writer's a fighter
His rhymes must be tauter and tighter

Life Of Pi - A Simply Marvellous Story By Yann Martel

I loved the quirkiness of this delightful book; a thoroughly entertaining tale of a young boy whose life becomes a dream - or whose dream becomes his life.

The first half of the book is devoted to some very original perceptions and personal philosophies as he mellows his way through the golden days of youth until the second half where suddenly he has to grow up in a hurry when he finds himself bobbing about on a lifeboat in the Atlantic ocean with a bengal tiger on board!

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