Time Poem by Pamela Hamilton


It's funny how fast time flies by,
And how yesterday seems like nothing more than a dream.
I look back on everything and wonder how I let it all slip away.
What I wouldn't do for just one day,
One day to live in the past,
To relive the good times with the people i used to know.
It's funny how fast time flies by,
And we forget about the things that made us truly happy.
The friends that were there for us when we needed them most,
And the times that we laughed so hard that we nearly cried.
Time can do funny things to us,
It can make us forget,
Or it can make us change.
Sometimes it will make us laugh, or smile, or even cry.
Worst of all, it holds us back.
Nothing lasts forever and we have a limited amount of time.
But time has taught me some things.
It has taught me who i can and cannot trust.
I've learned that some things were worth doing,
And other things not so much.
But most of all, I have learned that I have to look towards the future.
I can't change the past, I can't go back in time,
But I can prepare myself for the future.
I can stop myself from making the same mistake twice,
And i can create a better future for myself.
A future that won't make me want to live in the past.
But I won't forget all of my past,
It has made me who I am today.
And I continue to live with no regrets.

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