Time Commands Poem by Pranab K Chakraborty

Time Commands

Rating: 5.0

strangling a rose by its petals
as once I was told to hunt young earth of bright summer

if you ask me how
no answer simply the passion of kicking back
i will direct you to keep at the right place of your disliking

strangling a process of wiping an object
by its global access but morally it transforms
with rapid erosion

i was told once to restrict all eros
from memory line by ethical electrification of thoughts
to make please the boss of divine amplitude
by keeping locked the nerves for peeping into bloodshed

i was told to translate all killings and killers
of surface by flowery diction soft lucid gentle as breeze
no stone-type hard feelings would be allowed to get
its flight to move with force

who am i
that humbug who never keep shut
to avoid life to expose by its unregistered band path
that no-one who looks and trying hard to make you look
at the surface where never again peace would win with love!

Pranab k c

Saturday, July 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Bernard F. Asuncion 15 July 2018

Pranab, such a splendid poem...10++++

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Thank you Poet Bernard F. Asuncion. Thanks for your appreciation and interaction with this writing. Regards, Pranab k c.

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