* Tin Can Poem by Inner Whispers

* Tin Can

I watch as sun sets it's rays at the west
Flocks of bird flying freely, going back to rest,
From the hunt of blessings throughout the day
Flipping their wings freely back to where they lay...

Beside me is my bike, engine is still hot and ignites
In my journey I made at the city with crocodiles,
Drained body energy, exhausted mind and soul
Realizing the fact that I have lost something for so long.

Bird for a fact wants to roam, wants it's freedom to fly
What more of me who wishes to be happy, free from utmost cry,
Be at home freely to the nest built and I cared for
So I can continue there the league I adore.

The can I have now at hand, I consumed
Tasted the bitterness it's liquid contains, I presume,
While the sun setting it's rays, I drink, I sip
One can followed by two, until bitternes skip my tongue!

Can I be compared from this can?
Beautifully labelled, designed in style,
Yet containing pinch of bitterness inside
In the throat as it flows, awakening one's pain and grief!

The can I have on hand glittered in the dark
While lights are lit and brings city in burning lights,
From Antipolo hill where I sit, they spark, they dance
These flirty colours of city I left for a while...

From two cans, consumed three, reaching to four
Forcing to erase the bitterness of thoughts I abhor,
Feelings of worry and no hope for fulfillment
To have you in my life to wrap my arms around...

Tears flowed from my eyes as I stare from afar
Why has to have the need of this in can?
Filling up the thirst of my soul's cry
Longings I hold and been blocked by some!

Ahhh...nothing to do but to crumple it
This tin can seems like paper, I throw to nowhere,
Anger I felt on this greedy ones, I crumpled each can
When will they free me from my own beloved land?

Until when will I seek the bitterness from this can on hand?

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