To Have Loved And Lost Poem by Sean McDowell

To Have Loved And Lost

Rating: 4.1

A boy a girl a garden:
it always begins something like this.
You awaken to find rock still pliant
from the Creator's hand, the stars burning free in the twilight
before being claimed by wishes and cursed
for incidents of fortune––
yeah, it begins something like this,
with traces of divine breath in your lungs
and the wound still closing just below your heart.

In those first moments, you never see
the end winding towards you through tall blades of grass,
or the flaming swords of angels
being lifted high into the dusky air just beyond the treeline.
And you never hear the word ‘death’
until one morning she wakes in your arms
and you see in her eyes something changed, something foreign––
as if she has become, or always been, a stranger
watching you from within your own heart.

Lylyanna Pilewski 17 May 2005

I really liked it. It was sad near the end, but then again looseing love is never a happy matter it is. Lylyanna

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Ivy Christou 04 April 2005

this is a 10+ for me, wel done! HBH

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Michael Shepherd 04 April 2005

I hear a confident and haunting visionary voice in your work. Said he who is but a beginner himself. Thanks.

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