To The New Prime Minister Poem by Bashyam Narayanan

To The New Prime Minister

On assuming the highest executive office
Of this great country

You won the elections
With your eloquent deliberations
And with your ability to communicate
To the Indian masses most of whom
Are less learned and not capable of understanding
The worth of their votes

You need to be doubly praised
As you convinced the entire lot
In the requirement of a purposeful change in governance

The success is not in just becoming
But in behaving

You had wonderful things to say
You had great missions to convey

While wishing you all the very best
We wish to see in you a different Prime Minister
We wish to see in you a delivering Prime Minister
We wish to see in you an effectively performing Prime Minister
We wish to see in you a sensitive Prime Minister
We wish to see in you a well weighed decision making Prime Minister

Your slogan 'More Governance - Less Government' is appealing

You do not much guidance in governing
As you proved your worth as a charismatic Chief Minister

We know you will ensure that there is
No political interference in governance
No publicity oriented schemes
No vote-bank pleasing and enhancing designs
No popular proposals without technical back up

We all know you will ensure that there is
Harmonious governance
Empowerment for people down the line
Tolerance to criticisms
Determination to timely deliver
Strict monitoring with regard to implementation
Funding for all proposed plans
Respect for the country internationally
Right mutual understanding of neighbouring countries
Enthusiasm among implementing agencies
Impartial treatment
Interest in continual improvement of systems
A fire of desire to excel
A feeling of security among people of all regions
Strong will to grow with everyone on board

We could make out that
You will be working as if this is the last chance to serve

We wish you a
Healthy, happy, great and accomplishing tenure
Delivering to this greatest democracy
Growth and prosperity as far unheard

We very much wish
You will be instrumental in identifying
And developing second line leaders
Which none of our earlier leaders ventured

We are sure
That you will make us proud Indians

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