Top Banana Poem by Tom Billsborough

Top Banana

Rating: 5.0

A banana in a tutu
Loved to pirouette
But what he really dreamed of,
Was somewhere to get wet.

He told his mates the other day
A bunch said he was daft
To shed his lovely yellow skin
And use it as a raft.

But down the Colorado
And now completely nude,
He braved white water rapids
This fruit with attitude.

But sadly for our hero
He tripped into a pool
Of slowly cooling custard.
He's now banana fool.

Sunday, February 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: humor
Pamela Lutwyche 02 August 2020

Very funny. I like it.

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Simone Inez Harriman 11 February 2017

I love your lighthearted write. Very clever banana improvising with his skin raft, and the nude 10+

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Tom Billsborough 12 February 2017

I can see the newspaper headline NUDE BANANA SHOOTS RAPIDS! No, you couldn't call that Banana yellow. Well, not until he sank into the custard, that is! Thanks for your comment, Simone.

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Susan Williams 08 February 2017

Your imagination is awesome- - and very scary! Your poem was a giggle- - and very scary! Now I shall have nightmares about bananas stripping down naked- - I'll never sleep again. Thank you, Tom, for the laughs- -now I shall never see a banana without a visual of this poem. Splitsville, my friend!

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Tom Billsborough 08 February 2017

Ice Cream when I think of the splits. Usually my trousers! I rarely put on a tutu these days! nude bananas are just big show-offs and deserve to become banana fools!

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Pamela Sinicrope 05 February 2017

LOL. That was a fun one. The idea of a banana stripped nude, floating down a river on his back only to become yummy custard...not so bad after all. That fool!

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Tom Billsborough 05 February 2017

I'm blaming you lot on the other side of the pond! I was watching a program about your incredible Grand Canyon last night. And I thought only a top banana would tackle that! Still, he had a delicious end for someone, at least!

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Tom Billsborough 05 February 2017

Bit racy that nude banana. Specially down the rapids! Inspired by program on your Grand Canyon yesterday!

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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