Two Hearts That Feel Each Other's Beat Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

Two Hearts That Feel Each Other's Beat

Traffic came to a crawl
I noticed the right lane was moving faster
and could see flasing lights on up ahead
This feels bad, as a bad accident
someone must be dead
this thought was in my head

traffic usually doesn't completely stop
on a highway like this but I can see the cop
and he's closed the left lane with flares
and is putting out new ones from a full box
as everyone in their cars turns and looks

Some drivers think they'll sneak past on the left
sneaky people sly like a fox
suddenly act innocent when they see th cops
and the people in the right lane tighten up to block
they're heads staring straight ahead at 12 O'clock
and the sneaky drivers get hung out to dry
and as if they didn't know...they pretend to wonder why

A State Highway dump truck blocks the southbound lane
Oh no...completely blocked...this is going to be a pain
People panic and look for vain
and are funneled to the right lane
which exits the highway to Saylorsburg, PA
Thats the only exit, the only passable way

What happened today they all are wondering
but nobody seems willing to say
to completely block the highway this way
and later we learn it was an 18 wheeler
that crashed and spilled it's load of acid
and completely bocked the road with it's load
that couldn't easily be cleared away
as its contents flowed away and caused the delay

What a way to begin a Saturday
but we were determined not to let it waste away
so we made it home a roundabout back way
and decided to go motorcycle riding anyway
Just a joy ride on a cold sunny day
to pass some time away

My dogs barked and told me
my bother is here so I hurried downstairs
grabbed my boots and my gear
and told the dog...GOOD BOYS...Wait here!
I go my key and went ouside and there he was
his arms spread open wide and saying...
'Where have you been, I've been waiting'
I ignored his obnoxious demonstrating

I opened the garage and rolled out my bike
put on my gloves and pair of shades that I like
and hoped on and kicked up the stand
and turned on the key and pressed the start button with my hand
and it fired right up from sleepyland as I adjusted the choke
which is something fellow bikers readily understand
I rolled her back and buckled my chinstrap
kicked her into first and gave her a rev and a push
and off I was moving with a low rumbled whoosh!

The air was cold against my face
the wind around my neck and sunglasses seemed to race
and send a child down my chest
underneath my two layer of shirsts
but no sweater or vest which would have been best
to late, I'd have to do with a morning freeze
too much of me exposed to the cold breeze
especially my neck, my chin, my fingers and my knees

We took backroads to avoid the traffic jam
at least that was the plan
but the traffic had been diverted from the wreck
and all the backroads this morning were moving at a snails pace
Police cars and fire trucks all over the place
so for a while the reving engines had no way to race
Later we cleared the traffic, I shot ahead and he gave chase

My bike is red and his is back
I've got the front door and he's got the back
As I lean from on turn to the next
he mirrors my exact track
like a train twisting on rails, clackety-clack
and its great fun, if you've never have tried
you owe it to yourself to go one day for a nice ride
because away from the world you are transported for a while
and turn miles into smiles and if you still feel sour
you can twist your wrist easily go over 100 miles per hour.

Well we road about 120 miles today
in every type of riding it it seems
Manuvering in city traffic, on country roads,
wooded byways and backroads and fast highways
and we stopped for some food along the way
frozen to the core we were and red in the face
and it seems we road all over the place
a little bit of everything plus some fast pace
there were some hairy moments and close calls
but not mishaps or falls so it was a good day
Now I'm tired and saddle sore in a way
but its nice to arrive home in one piece
to live to ride another day

So I opened the garage door and rolled the bike away
reminded myself to change the oil
and to get new sprockets and a new chain
the old one is showing wear and strain
and these thoughts I had in my brain
among a million others, like links in a chain
I've been feeling the strain of silence and love in vain
and then and now...I'm thinking of a woman's name
she's not to blame, all of love just feels like a game
but I think of her just the same
and think I'd rather somehow share my days in her care
and I wish she was here with me or I was there
I wonder if she even thinks twice about me
I try to push it from my mind and now the day I rewind

I guess it was a good day
but it feels wasted
I think of her kisses, only in dreams I've tasted
and I try to bite back on the empty feeling
of a lonely heart in love but disbelieving
and wishing only for care and healing
but instead I went two-wheeling
a little bit of motorcycling healing
but her hand in mine... I most long for that emotion
and dream oneday to know her love and devotion
when life is kinder and when there is less hurt and commotion
while it has gone so fast, I dream of slow motion
of her presence soothing my heart with her love potion
Somehow I can't forget that notion

© James T. Adair

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