Vampyr Poem by K J


Rating: 5.0

I hang out late at night, club to club.
Looking for Ms. Right
I’m handsome on the outside,
not like you but like me, even women cant resist
If she sees me she’ll like me,
want to talk to me, make me her friend

I play the role of Mr. Right,
never letting her know my secret
my true name
You see
I’m a vampyr in a man’s body and I continue to prey
Looking for a woman who’s looking for my body
she’ll invite me over
but beg me to stay

Ill blow her mind when I touch her inside,
she’s mine now to take
Ill suck her dry, make her cry,
make her hurt, make her want to kill me
I’ve taken all she has including her soul;
I laugh as I see her pain.
Don’t feel bad because

I’m a vampyr who’s looking for a body another body to suck away
Don’t feel bad because I’m a vampyr and no one knows my pain.
I don’t have to hide because they never come back
I don’t cry because it was never about that

I’m a vampyr and I continue to prey
So if you see me beware, I don’t care. You’re just another number.
When I pull you aside and throw you away.
You’re not the one to mess with, you tell me. But I love a dare.
You’re not going out like that! That’s what they all say.
I’m a vampyr, and you’re not here to stay.

Buried Alive 23 June 2011

quite an erie creepy feel to this, and very effective, could only have come from the Count himself. Im putting garlic all over my windows and painting crosses on the walls tonite, just in case.

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