Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop Poem by Linda Ori

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop

Rating: 5.0

Uneasy - feeling that I don't belong
Where am I headed, and what do I need?
Dangling on the end of this rope
Swinging in the wind -
Should I climb up or fall off?
Am I in a holding pattern?
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Do something, or do nothing?
Am I spinning out of sync with the world?
Too fast, or too slow?
Which way do I go?
Maybe just a glitch in the machine...........
Tomorrow, timing may be better
Tomorrow that other shoe may drop
And all's right with the world.

Thanks, Jerry, for the inspiration.

A. B. 11 May 2006

Linda, this is a beautiful poem. I hope the shoe does dropp and everything goes right with the world. Keep them coming. Peace.

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Jerry Hughes 11 May 2006

Primary questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? I guess it's the journey Linda, and you're travelling well...

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Preeti - is here! 11 May 2006

the eternal Questions.... Good one~

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Barbara Attaway 11 May 2006

Hello, Linda...Lovely, poetry with feeling! You have put lovely poetry to what I have been feeling. Thank you. A ten for you!

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Not a member No 4 24 January 2007

'Spinning out of sync...' A very telling line. As soon as you start to question, everything seems to be possible - rightly or wrongly. But, better that by far than just holding ground in that unthinking 'holding pattern' that so many opt for in the pursuit of comfort or safety or both. I don't think you're that kind of woman Linda. The existential questions are meat and drink to you. Maybe sometimes they get a bit stressful though! Very thought provoking and poetic deliberations. x jim

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Brian Dorn 30 May 2006

Linda, great poem! Sometimes it's easier to just maintain the status quo. I love how the subject's own perceptions change at the end. Funny how our view of the world can be altered based on our own change in attitude. Really well done! ! Brian

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Daniel Tyler 21 May 2006

Ditto Jerry. You have a strong questioning tone as a writer, which I find fascinating. Well done.

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Charles M Moore 11 May 2006

Beautiful rythm and well structured like this a lot.

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Danny Reynolds 11 May 2006

Linda, don't bother waiting. Pull the shoe off yourself, socks and all, and go wiggle your toes in a muddy puddle. And no climbing ropes or letting go, untill you've had a good old swing! Danny (10 by the way)

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