Water Poem Series: The Seas And All The Waters Poem by Marc Dhavernas

Water Poem Series: The Seas And All The Waters

The seas are in my blood, literally written in the poem of the cosmos,
painted with the colour of rejoice-ment,
and spontaneously manifested in the celestial rain clouds,
that helplessly wander around through the eons of lifeless radiation,
and traveling though the dusts and hanging on to the backs of light waves,
swimming across the voids of space.
The spirit of God is made of water, dripping and falling into the depth of the earth
rippled with natural gravity, surrounded by the thirsts of life,
and by the nothingness of the dark depths
in the hollowed and sealed caved,
until spirited man digs through the bowls of the stone.
Fragments of my poem drift aimlessly though the years,
the current of living ponds play the role of the host of welcome,
the music of my dedications to the thriving God,
permeates the greatest depths of the gift of the watery mother,
whose grace we waste and ruin with pollution,
as you can hold all the mysteries, and the magic of all the universes in a tear of water,
that glides off the leaf in God’s nature.

All poems about or concerning water are written in honor of Iain Trousdell and the Healing Water Institute.

Marc Dhavernas

Marc Dhavernas

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