We Did Not Own This Country (In Answer To Mathews Phosa) Poem by Gert Strydom

We Did Not Own This Country (In Answer To Mathews Phosa)

We did not own this country
the Lord gave it to our ancestors
and when they stepped ashore here,
hordes came from eMbo out of the north
and the country also did not belong to them.

Let you see us as intruders,
you yourself are intruders,
a multitude of people out of the tribes
of Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi en Pondo
came from the big lakes under leadership
of chief Dklamini and later chief Nguni.

Our ancestors made a sacred covenant with God
to be able to survive
and still this relationship is held high
as forever God remains the same

and the people that now governs
do not represent me, are proclaiming laws
that are oppressing my Afrikaner people and me,
making me a third rate citizen

and I did not surrender this country
even less have left it
or have neglected any civil duties
and I am waiting on the salvation
coming out of the hand
of the almighty God.

[References: “Bulala Bathakathi” and “ons het ons land verlaat” (we left the country / land) by Mathews Phosa. (The poet Mathews Phosa is the premier of the Orange Free State province) ]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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