We Dont Need Space Poem by john tiong chunghoo

We Dont Need Space

Rating: 5.0

the trees and plants
micmic the voices
of long gone tourists

during this low season
as you sleep in a near
empty island resort,
in the dead of night
the entire garden is alive
with chuckling voices
of men, whomen and children
they set upon the mind
intermittently while you
come in and out of your dreamland
a world dying to have fun

who says plants cant speak
do we really need mouth to speak
here the trees and plants in
their separate place are
acting out a real play they
have acquired from the holiday makers
and make it a fun in a really quiet night

who says we need mouth
to speak, eyes to see,
in a dream, the whole world
has come to us right within
the four corners of our bed

who says we need space to live
one day we are going to live
out of nothngness, right out
of this clumsy frame that
tolls bell of pain and deception

Patti Masterman 02 October 2009

This is a really deep one. Thanks I needed this today.

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john tiong chunghoo

john tiong chunghoo

Sibu, Sarawak, Borneo East Malaysia
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