We Had Our Time Poem by Jade Leven

We Had Our Time

I look at you
and I want you to look back at me
but honestly, you don't see me
in that way

so maybe I'll just give up
I'm losing all my strength
fighting a battle that is simply impossible to win
am I fighting for the glory?
is it just the same old story?
I don't know

maybe I'll just let myself down over time
I'm losing my mind
loving somebody who doesn't love me nearly as much
am I loving you for the joy
of finding an honest boy?
or do I love you for real?

I would have to answer yes
because I get this feeling in my chest when I see you
you would never guess in a million years that this is my reality
because it isn't your reality
and even if you love me, it's not for the reasons I'd like to think it's for
and I can't even think them anymore
it's too far gone, too much of a fantasy for me
because this isn't your reality
this is mine
and you won't give me the time of day

and if you ever come across this in your lifetime
I don't think you would know it's about you
I just want you to know that we had our time
although you probably won't know who it's from or who it's to
this is my gift to you
we had our time
or at least

you had mine.

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