We Have An Overcomer Poem by Gary James Smith

We Have An Overcomer

Rating: 5.0

We Have An Overcomer

We have an Overcomer
Who's not afraid of the undertaker
For He can make us alive again
In His power as our Creator
Though Satan caused sins catastrophe
God brought Salvation to the plate
And through the shed blood of Jesus Christ
We can come to the mercy seat

Mercy...grace...abundant free!
Upon our true believing
Every repentant heart will find
No gift that's better receiving
Christ in me the hope of glory
Hallelujah for that name
That is above any other one
In Heaven and earth's domain

Conversion by being born again
Just as Jesus commanded
Except a man be born again
He's outside of Heaven and stranded
O Rock of Ages faith have I
Established on God's creation
For whomsoever believes on the Son
Receives a so great Salvation!

Happy am I a sinner saved
I don't take that statement lightly
For I've been saved by the grace of God
Himself! ...The Lord God Almighty
So great cause for praise have I
I'm a bonafide Child of God
The Bible as my foundational record
For I've believed it...every Word!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright April520203: 39 PM

Gary James Smith

Sunday, April 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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