Wearing A Covid Mask Poem by Randy McClave

Wearing A Covid Mask

The person that will not ever wear a COVID mask
They do so because they were told and not asked,
They believe it infringes on their constitutional right
So, instead they will bear arms, always prepared to fight.
Many won't wear a mask because they are told it is silly
My thought is a confused, "really"? ,
Do you ever wear safety equipment at home or at work
Remember our life and living, is more than just a perk.
Even though doctors tell them a mask they should wear
They still won't, and to the health of others they don't care,
They walk with their loved ones without a mask on their face
Unto death sooner, they might all quickly embrace.
The Devil first goes after the stupid and the ignorant
For them the Devil doesn't really need to seek or hunt,
He whispers to them all that a mask they should not ever don
So, they don't, they virus is a hoax and a con.
They will not listen to what the doctors have said
Many of those who had refused to listened now lay dead,
When into the ground they are finally lowered and buried
Masks are then worn when their casket with them are carried.
Please wear a mask If not for a hundred, then just for one
I do not want this Covid virus to continue forever on,
Remember you must do more than just build a picket fence
You first must use your God given common sense.
People refuse to wear a mask or even to social distance
To our safety and health they are the true resistance,
Against wearing a mask they will make their stand
And they will die mask-less, while holding a gun in their hand.

Randy L. McClave

Sunday, July 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: virus
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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