What I Hate Poem by beautiful imperfection

What I Hate

I hate you for making me feel this way,

I hate you for what I can't say.

I hate you for making me want to cry,

I hate you for your every lie.

I hate the way I could never trust you,

I hate the way I could never tell you the truth.

I hate how I'm so scared and fake,

I hate the way you made me break.

I hate the way I was so nice,

I hate the way I hated to see pain in your eyes.

I hate how you tell me not to judge, but then you turn around and judge me,

I hate how you were so blind and didn't see

all those hints I left you,

no eye-contact, dead silence, avoiding you too.

I hate how you brought those things up,

then heard my lies and covered them up.

I hate the way you treat me, you have no respect for personal space,

and how because of the truth, I'm just another pretty face.

Another regret you must live without,

Another person who put your inner flame out.

At least, that's what you tell me, is it really true?

Or are you just trying to make me feel guilty for finally telling you?

I'd go with that last one, if I really had to choose,

But as for you, you're just another stupid bruise.

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