'What In Hell Are You Doing? ' Poem by Linda Winchell

'What In Hell Are You Doing? '

You crossed my mind many times
but your demeanor was none I liked.
I tried to share the word of God with you
but it seemed to sting and caused some strife.

Now I hear that you've passed away
and called God to see if you were there.
But the phone never picked up, you see
so I figured you where not there.

So what does Hell have you doing these days?
Are you busy and having fun?
Does it really hurt and burn full time
are you now missing the Father and the Son?

Is there constant torment no matter what you do?
No peace, just Satan's torture of your damned Soul?
I wish I would have tried harder my friend
And didn't get upset, walk away, and let you go.

I blame myself for your loss of your
entering Heavens Golden Gates.
I should have prayed much harder for you
with every breath for you, I failed to take.

I know I'll never see you, when I pass away.
But know that I still pray for you, and wondered
'What In Hell Are You Doing Today? '

Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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