What Lies Below The Willow Poem by buried alive

What Lies Below The Willow

Rating: 4.9

And I shall

never know of sorrow

I will

never hurt from pain,

never dream of my tommorrows,
never care what comes today.

I will never know
you loved me,
I will
never hear your name!

Only the whisper
of the willow,

.......that cries above my grave

Friday, February 11, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: death,love,love and life
Mihaela Pirjol 22 April 2017

'' Only the whisper of the willow, .......that cries above my grave '' - there is so much emotion, and so much pain within these verses... they have the power to move even a heart which has not been in love yet, but it can anticipate the ache that comes with it...a sweet, sad, and tender poem...it melts your heart...

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Kim Barney 24 July 2016

Very nice. I really like the last part: I will never know you loved me, I will never hear your name! Only the whisper of the willow, .......that cries above my grave

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Adeline Foster 26 February 2016

Loved the thought in this one. Read mine - O Dearest Love - Adeline

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K J 05 June 2011

Perfect ending, whispers of the willow.. Absolutely heart rending.

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Saju Abraham 11 February 2011

Very nice. Smooth. The ending is superb! 'Only the whisper of the willow, .......that cries above my grave' Good to have read this one.

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