What She Wants, She Gets Poem by Gary Diamond

What She Wants, She Gets

I look longingly at the stars
That is when all else is dim enough
To acknowledge their promise.

There's a whole set of worlds out there.
Other planets orbiting other suns
Other planets other lifeforms like to call home.

I think I'd like to go and explore it, alone.
A grand voyage to map the great unknown.
I pray space dementia passes me by.

I think I like the look of it very much indeed.
Because although it's cold and strange in space
Up there it's so free
Up there it is all unsullied beauty.

But by the time they build a suitable spacecraft
It'll be twice there and back from the time they forgot about witchcraft.
Up there will still be waiting.
Up there will be available to my children's children
If I get round to having some.

What She Wants, She Gets

Spoilt little rich girl.
Not without charm, but so immature.
If you can't get it
Can't grab it
Can't have it.
Then you'll scream bloody murder at the top of your lungs.

What would it be like if your fortune evaporated
Like the mist rising on the sunniest of days.
How would it feel if you were rendered
Out of the group
Which only loved your foibles when they were tinted green.
Now the only green is the envious hue upon your cheeks.

Her daddy won't acknowledge the failure.
He wonders what he must do for her.
Because alone, she lacks the skill to
Earn it
Discern it
Deserve it.
And you hear her alone, screaming and throwing the furniture around.

He sighs. 'What she wants, she gets.'
He wishes he hadn't let her get so bad.
And sees the failure in her
As the failure of him.
And realises, heavy-hearted
You can't always be successful.
You can't always play a losing hand and win.

Gary Diamond

Gary Diamond

Portsmouth, UK
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