'' When Dead, They Will Never Renew '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' When Dead, They Will Never Renew ''

So many creeds,
With varying needs,
Is it true they have different Gods?
It's fear it feeds,
As it sows the seeds,
For the reason we're all at odds.

They all have an appeal,
But whose god is real,
Everyone's, they'd have you believe,
As none ever reveal,
What it is they conceal,
Like we humans, do they live to deceive.

They all left instructions,
Strange productions,
Each one they called a commandment,
They are but obstructions,
Congregation reductions,
Mean many are facing disbandment.

We kill and we maim,
Anything's fair game,
We even pray before going to war?
Do gods feel shame,
Do they take the blame?
Murder they say all gods abhor.

Many still pray,
After they stray,
Hoping god will make a concession,
Will it delay,
God getting his way,
It's a major cause of depression.

Each and every race,
Whichever God they embrace,
Will lay claim, that their deity is true,
They refuse to face,
That if there's no trace,

‘' When Dead, They Will Never Renew ‘'

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